“Nick’s Picks” is a searchable, alphabetic reference of information on psychotherapeutic terms gleaned from books I have read while pursuing my profession since 1994. You can view Nick’s Picks at the following webpage.
Information on each term includes:
- topic
- sub-topic
- book title
- author
- specific content and page references related to the topic
“Nick’s Picks” is available to anyone looking for books on specific subject matter, including what is covered about each topic. Should you already have the recommended book, the directory will guide you to specific page references, thus shortening your time and creating greater efficiency in your research.
For example, if you wanted to learn about some of the books available on Depression (topic), specifically for Men (sub-topic), you would scroll to that location and discover my specific selections.
“Nick’s Picks” is an eclectic and idiosyncratic compilation reflecting both the all-encompassing nature of practicing psychotherapy, as well as my own ever-expanding interest in what makes us tick. i hope you find value in this compilation and I wish you well in your own journey.