Personal Responses on Therapy’s Value

How do you approach Psychotherapy?

I start with the belief that we should work towards a society where professional therapy is not required and where we can be each other’s support. But this is difficult to achieve, so I work on providing my clients with the best understanding I can, helping define their particular journey to wellness. My aim is to help them get where they want to be as effectively as I can. I should also point out that both my sessions with clients and with my Supervisor are held in the strictest confidence.

How can I be sure Psychotherapy will help me?

Psychotherapy focuses on healing. I like to think of a Psychotherapist as the guide on a journey to the inner mind where dynamic forces, forgotten memories and old patterns of behaviour often impact our way of being. Together, client and therapist embrace this very personal journey of self-discovery and this can be through heightened self-awareness, increased integration, symptom understanding and resolution. The intention of Psychotherapy is re-awakening of the soul to the riches of life, fostering a deeper connection to ourselves and others. And if you see value in this objective – and are open to and desirous of change – then Psychotherapy sessions may well be the solution to the dilemmas you confront.

What kind of individual therapy can I expect from you?

My training is in psychoanalytic psychotherapy – quite a mouthful! What it means is therapy that fosters a close, open and ongoing working relationship between me and my clients. This supports the clients’ exploration of self, hopes and needs and works to help them fully express themselves in the world.

What kind of couples therapy can I expect from you?

My training is based on the approach developed by Sue Johnson & Les Greenberg, Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy(EFT). Their approach is founded on attachment theory and places prime importance on the underlying emotions involved in couple interactions. EFT works on the premise that we all have natural attachment needs and fears. When these are not openly and honestly expressed, relational distress occurs. EFT focuses on identifying existing negative patterns of behaviour and provides each partner with the tools and insight to create new, mutually beneficial ways of being with each other. For more information on EFT please visit their website at eft.ca.

What is the Centre for Training in Psychotherapy?

The Centre for Training in Psychotherapy (CTP) is a registered educational institution that offers a rigorous academic and experiential curriculum of at least seven years. My experiences and learning there have led to a professional Diploma in the Practice of Psychotherapy. The institute promotes a psychoanalytic approach to therapy and my “groundwork” there has been highly instrumental in equipping me with a strong foundation in my personal practice. Should you wish more information about CTP, you may want to visit their site at ctp.net.

What is the Psychotherapy Referral Service?

The Psychotherapy Referral Service of Toronto is a not-for-profit organization created to help persons seeking therapy find a match to a compatible, qualified therapist in the greater Toronto area. All members of PRS are graduates of CTP, are covered for public and professional indemnity and adhere to an internal code of conduct. Membership in this organization strengthens the training I received and allows me to provide my clients with a professional level of service of the highest quality. Should you wish more information about PRS, you may want to visit their website.

What are the terms of engagement?

My psychotherapy sessions are available to you at reasonable fees by contacting me at:


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Individual sessions are usually 60 minutes in length and couple sessions 90 minutes. Psychotherapy is not covered by OHIP. 24 hour notification is required for a change of therapy booking or cancellation, otherwise the usual fee will apply.

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